Section 3: The Dragon Dialog Form Editor

This chapter takes a detailed look at how we can use the UserDialog Editor in Dragon Professional and Dragon NaturallySpeaking. It includes a detailed explanation of the features and provides step-by-step instructions on how to build your own Dialog Forms.


  • Chapter 5: Working with the UserDialog (Form) Editor
    • What is the UserDialog Editor?
    • Create a Simple Dialog Form
    • Editing a Dialog Form
    • Using OptionButtons (Radio buttons) in Dialog Forms
    • Using CheckBoxes in Dialog Forms
    • Using PushButtons (user defined buttons) in Dialog Forms
    • Placing GroupBoxes and Images in Dialog Forms
    • Allowing for Alt + Keys selection in Dialog Forms
    • Set Focus
    • Including Hidden Fields and how we can reveal them
    • Creating List Boxes and Combo Boxes (menus) in Dialog Forms
    • Setting an item to a specific value or state (DlgValue function)
    • UserDialog Editor components
    • Advanced Dialog Functions
    • Creating a Dialog Form in the style of a simple Input Box
    • An Advanced Dialog Form