Section 6: Ready to use Dragon commands

The macros in this section go a small way to illustrate the potential of Dragon Professional and Dragon NaturallySpeaking, showing how Dragon can be used with popular applications. The commands represent practical examples where Dragon automates repetitive tasks, increases your productivity and saves you valuable time.


  • Chapter 9: Ready to use practical Dragon Macros
    • Inserting a Custom Designed email Signature
    • Generate a Fillable Business Letter Template
    • Filling Forms in MS Word
    • Create a Backup of the Current Word Document with the Date & Time in the Filename
    • Export a MS Word Document as a PDF with a Hyperlinked Table of Contents
    • Insert Page Numbers in MS Word Starting at Page x
    • Create a Backup of the Current Excel Workbook with the Date & Time in the Filename
    • Renaming and Sorting MS Excel Worksheets
    • Export all Text from MS PowerPoint Slides to a Text File and Open the Text File in MS Word
    • Display the Number of Words in the Selected Text in any Document
    • Find a Topic by its Title Name in Mindjet MindManager
    • Performing Mindjet MindManager Functions
    • Performing Sonocent Audio Notetaker Functions